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IR35 – Private Sector – 2019 Update and New Consultation

Following on from our blog post last year, HMRC have now issued a further consultation about how they propose to implement new rules on “off-payroll working” (which most businesses and contractors know as “IR35”). If you want to have your say or simply read the latest proposals as they relate to both businesses and contractors…Read More

Highlands and Islands Weather

      From September we are very proud to be advertising on the Highlands and Islands Weather Facebook page. Lee’s service has been invaluable to us over the last 4 years with really accurate and Highland focused forecasts.  The difference he makes is clear from the number of followers the page now has and the appreciative posts…Read More

1 today…and more developments coming soon!!

  On 13th August 2017 Aird opened its “virtual” doors and a new professional venture began for me. It has been challenging but we can see how the big changes we made are helping us deliver a more personal and responsive service to our clients. We have more projects in development for Aird (which we…Read More

Making Tax Digital (MTD) – VAT

From April 2019, if you are VAT registered with a turnover in excess of the VAT registration threshold (currently £85,000) and you keep your accounts records ‘electronically’ (on an accounts package or on a spreadsheet) then the submission of VAT returns will have to be done via the software you use. You will no longer…Read More

IR35 Consultation – Private Sector

After changing IR35 application in the public sector, HMRC has now published it’s consultation document for reforming the rules in the private sector – find the consultation “Off Payroll Working in the Private Sector” document here With the consultation ending in August 2018, concrete changes to the way contractors work through personal service companies are a…Read More

This time next week your Tax Return should have been filed…

You have until Midnight on Wednesday 31st January to get your online tax return filed…. So if you are being chased by your accountant it really is in your interests to answer them as soon as possible! We know it can be daunting but if you put your head above the parapet there may be…Read More

Don’t forget to pay your tax bill!!

Right …your Tax Return has been filed….but how do you actually pay your tax bill…..   For all the information and payment methods go to the HMRC website here – How to pay your Self Assessment Tax Bill (Remember when you make a payment –  you will need to provide a payment reference number.  For a…Read More

Draft Scottish Budget 2018/19

Finance Secretary Derek Mackay delivered the 2018/19 Scottish Draft Budget on Thursday 14 December 2017 setting out the Scottish government’s financial and tax plans including those for income tax changes.